Sabine Stadler Okuno

lic.phil., graduated Feldenkrais Practitioner SFV
certified Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer

Complementary therapist with federal diploma

Komplementär Therapeutin mit eidgenössischem Diplom
Sabine Stadler Okuno, lic.phil., diplomierte Feldenkrais Practitioner, SFV zertifizierte Feldenkrais Assistenz Trainerin in Zürich


My training in Japanese dance theatre and many years of living in Japan have influenced my work as a Feldenkrais Practitioner.

I am certified according to international standards, certified by the Swiss Feldenkrais Association and recognized by all health insurance companies.

Since 2008 I have been practicing in an independent practice.

Since 2014 I have been assisting internally in Feldenkrais trainings (Biel, Kyoto, London, Zürich)

Education and work experience

  • Certified Feldenkrais teacher SFV
  • Certified Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer
  • Complementary therapist with industry certificate Oda KT
  • Master in Japanese Dance
  • Master of Japanese Studies
  • Regular further training in Feldenkrais and Seitai
  • Further training on Feldenkrais work with small children
  • Experienced in working with artists, sportsmen, children, teenagers and pregnant women.
  • Experience with neurological disease patterns such as MS, Parkinson’s, craniocerebral trauma.
  • Experienced with difficulties like burnout, insomnia, shortness of breath, self-alienation.
  • Experienced in working with pain patients and dealing with whiplash injuries.
  • I enjoy working with all people.
  • I enjoy meeting people as they are.


Self-experience in Vipassana Meditation and Aikido. I like swimming and feel safe in the open nature.

Mother of two children.

Recognized by health insurance companies

I am recognized as a Feldenkrais Practitioner by EMR, ASCA, EGK, Visana.
Please clarify the coverage with your supplementary insurance.